
After much prayer and soul-searching, I have reluctantly decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket. Here’s why.

This is a repost of another persons thoughts, which I agree with

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog


This is not easy for me. I did not get to this point lightly. Rather, it has been a matter of intense examination of the candidates and party platforms, studying the Scriptures (particularly I Samuel 8-12; see below), and listening to many thoughtful voices in the debate.

Anyone who has been tracking my writing during the course of this campaign knows how deeply concerned I am about Mr. Trump — his lack of experience, flip-flopping on issues, and the unkind and at times even vulgar or vitriolic language he uses against his critics. I had hoped he would be defeated in the primaries. Or challenged by a plausible third party candidate. Or would drop out after the release of the deeply offensive video of him speaking with Billy Bush.

But this is where we are. Now, it is truly is a binary choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There’s no…

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Independence Day

kinder303This uniquely American holiday is a time to reflect on the greatness of our Nation and its people and the God who led our forefathers in the founding of our “land of the Free”

However, it is not really a time to celebrate as “Americans”. It is a time to celebrate as sovereign people of the States. The Fourth of July was the day (it was actually a few days earlier) the people of the thirteen colonies through their representatives in the Congress, declared to the world that they were now independent and free States. Free from the King and Parliament and a centralized government. However, it would take a long and bloody war to actually permit these newly independent Sates to remain free.

The Declaration of Independence was signed by men who knew they were risking their “Lives, fortunes and sacred honor”. According to the King, they were all traitors who warranted death.

When the war finally came to a successful end the King and Parliament had no choice but to declare that the thirteen States were now free. The first Article of the Treaty of Paris that ended the war stated:

His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and Independent States; that he treats with them as such, and for himself his Heirs & Successors, relinquishes all claims to the Government, Propriety, and Territorial Rights of the same and every Part thereof.

It appears that we have forgotten who we are. We are a union of States that remain free and independent. The Articles of Confederation, our first Constitution, and the current Constitution never gave up the Sovereignty of the States. In fact the States delegated only limited authority to the Federal government. The Tenth Amendment made it very clear.

How does the Declaration of Independence sum up? Read it carefully:

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

usaspinSo this Fourth of July why not fly your State flag? It will show to the world that you are still a Sovereign and free people who choose to remain part of a union of States. How did John Adams say to celebrate: “…It ought to be commemorated as a day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bell, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other…”

Let’s not forget who we are.4thofjuly


Who will be a “Gideon”

  • christian_clr
    It is amazing to consider that God still has his remnant in our Nation’s Capitol. There are Christian men and women in Washington, who in their personal life, their public policies and actions, and in their leadership and example–stand for Scriptural values and principles and the Constitution of the United States.  These brave soldiers who are at the forefront of the battlefield need our prayers and support.  We must not let them down.
  •  Our mission is based in the grass-roots of America.  As we become informed and involved in issues of local and state level, we are establishing a firm foundation on which our Brethren in Washington can build upon. In addition to the ballot box, we still have access to e-mails, blogs, letters to the editor, and phone calls to State and Federal elected officials.  Too many of God’s people are ‘pew warmers’ when it comes to getting involved in the battle for their liberties.
  • Furthermore, as Christians, it is our duty to hold our civil magistrates to the oath they took to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Politically, our duty is to America–and no other country. (except Israel). Spiritually, our duty is to Christ and not to any particular religious denomination, ethnicity, or foreign entity. We need to stop playing God in the Middle East; we need to stop pretending that foreign entities are of greater value than our own country; (except Israel) and we need to stop elevating our own myopic understanding of prophesy above the clear teachings of Revealed and Natural Law relating to the principles of liberty and justice for all as defined in the Holy Writ.
  • Our meddling in the Middle East has only made things worse for our Christian Brethren living in those countries.  America’s interventionist foreign policy should focus on defending Israel and those people who are suffering at the iron hand of their governments.  If all of these do-gooders in Washington, D.C. were truly serious about helping the oppressed, they would determine to protect the liberties of the Citizens they were elected to serve.  These folk need to take a good, studious look at the Constitution of which they pledged to uphold.
    • I

Sound The Battle Cry!

The foe is nigh; even at our doorstep.  We need to put our armor on and rest our cause upon His Holy Word!

Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho;  David slew the Philistines;  and even Deborah led the charge against the Canaanites.  So what is our problem?  Should we not also fight against the wickedness of these last days?  Some of the Christian faith are content to change the world by evangelizing and this is most honorable.  Evangelism and most assuredly. prayer. are essential in the battle against wickedness in high places, however, like the wickedness of Sodom, the Lord has given some over to reprobate minds and their ability to discern righteousness is nil.

In addition, there are also Saints that have an eschewed sense of responsibility when it comes to political matters.  This was most biblenoticeable in the last election when a significant amount of God’s people did not even vote!  So sad.  Many qualified young people have been discouraged from entering the political profession by well-meaning Pastors and parents because of the negativity; sort of like the good apple in the basket of rotten pomes.    Yet history reveals that during our founding years, one was required to be a Christian or they could not hold public office.

We often forget that the freedoms we have in the United States do not come from the government, but are derived from our Creator, as gifts to be defended and protected.  God’s  purpose for government is to restrain evil and promote good in society.  When government ceases to fulfill scriptural principle, then God’s people need to take the ‘bull’ by the horn and teach it a lesson or two of how God intended government to function.

For many years a covert spiritual battle has occurred within the halls of our government by which the powers of darkness actively worked to silence and suppress the church with thousands of small restrictions.  These losses of religious freedoms went mostly unnoticed until the forces of evil began legislating more visible limitations upon the Church.  More of God’s people began to sit up and take notice that their freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution were being taken away before their very eyes.  Unfortunately many of us still sat idly by, not lifting our banner on high.   Sigh!

If the time comes when the Church is completely silenced on issues of importance, it is safe to say that our government will be less inclined to “promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to us and our prosperity,” as stated in our Constitution.  Instead, it will enforce conduct that is both contrary to the laws of Scripture and destructive in people’s’ lives.  The Church will be gagged from speaking out on issues such as abortion, same-sex marriages and preaching labeled as “hate speech”.

The day may well be on the horizon when our Pastors will be thrown into prisons, Christian soldiers will be martyred, and religious freedom will be a thing of the past.  There are Soldiers of the Cross who are preparing for that very day when they will need to “load the musket” to defend their freedom.  Churches will be resigned to meet undercover, as many do today on foreign soil.  Our children may be tortured in an effort to get us to deny our Savior.  But praise be to God, we can look up for our redemption draweth nigh!

644027_452115158160059_1308777013_nWhat to do; what to do!  Make it your responsibility to become informed of what is going on in the Federal government and your State government.  Contact your elected officials to vote against legislation which purport laws that are contrary to Scripture.  And last. but not least. seek the Lord’s will in running for public office, whether in your city or your state, AND support those candidates who stand and defend our Constitution.


Awake Americans!

The following is an except from the introduction to the book “America’s Constitution” written by Evangelist Caleb Galloway

At the beginning of time , God knew that one day a country of the West would rise and become one of the greatest weisgerber   flagnations in the history of the World.  He knew that this nation would rise to prominence because it decided to base itself solidly upon the Word of God.  This Nation was the United States of American.  The Constitution has remained the same and has effectively guided us for over 235 years. however, we are currently facing a time in which liberals, revisionist historians, judicial activists, sodomites,  and others are trying to secretly and slowly take away our liberties.  They are eagerly twisting the interpretation of our Constitution to suit their own agendas and fulfill their own demonic goals.  Furthermore, liberals and judicial activists are trying to use the Constitution to purge all aspects of Christianity from the public square.

In chapter VII  of this book Mr Galloway points out that this is a critical hour in which we find ourselves living.  However. God makes the brightest lights to shine in the darkest of nights.  In order to shine effectively and unhindered, however, we must know the truth.  The truth for every human being  is, first and foremost, the Bible.  Secondly, the truth for every American is the Constitution that was based upon the dependency of Jehovah God.  We must know what those truths are so that we can shine as beacons in a very  dark time in our nations’ history.

Every blood-bought believer in the Lord Jesus Christ needs to become a student of His Word.  This is our instruction book on life, our historical book on the existence of mankind.  The Bible is our guide to obtaining wisdom and instruction in righteousness.  In addition,written within the Holy Writ is listed warnings, for those who choose not to heed to the commandments that God has set forth.  This divinely inspired Book was the resource that our Founding Fathers used in writing our most precious Constitution.    Their desire was to have ‘One nation under God.’

Many American’s know that their Constitution was based upon the Bible, but that is as far as their knowledge extends.  bibleOh, some may be able to repeat the preamble, be familiar with the “Bill of Rights”, and even specific amendments such as the 1st, 2nd, and 10th.  However for the most part we do not know diddly squat about the contents of this great document.  Don’t be too discouraged, neither do the members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.  To be sure, there are some parts with which the President and his liberal cronies are quite familiar with, the part that they want to go away with.     My fellow American’s we need to make the Constitution the second most important reading material in our possession! In my recent perusal of this document I have discovered some startling knowledge of which I had not before known.  For instance, it is  unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to pass laws governing our Land.  This is the job of the House of Representatives.  Just as the President and the members of the Senate, the Justices can be impeached for improper conduct.  It is illuminating to say the least at some of the reasons that former Justices have been impeached.

The principles of Government set forth in Scripture and incorporated into the Constitution of the United States are indeed under vicious attack.  Read for yourselves in Isaiah 33:22 how God established the three branches of government.  Then turn to Exodus 18:21 to see how that God divided the governing agencies into the Federal. State and local governments.  In verse 27, the principle for the Supreme Court is set forth.

Brethren, we cannot blame the condition of our Nation on the liberals, or on the prince of darkness.  It is we, the American citizen who possess the saving knowledge of Jesus, the only begotten Son of a most Holy God.  Conservative polls indicate that thousands upon thousands of so-called professing Believers did not even vote in the 2012 election.  In fact, it is thought that if all of God’s people who were eligible to vote did so, the outcome of the election would have been much different.  That sore spot being behind us, now what.

As American’s who fear the Lord we need to become informed in the matters of our local, State and Federal Governments.  Log onto websites that have information regarding proposed Bills being introduced into the Senate and House of not only the United States but also of your state of residence, and your local community council.  Become involved in pointing out any unconstitutionality of any proposed legislation.  Call your elected officials and asked them to vote against issues that are contrary to the Word of God and the Constitution.  Finally, intercede to the throne of 12630_475637122493006_1882853627_n Uncle Sam; Lady Libertyheaven for God to have mercy on our Nation; to send revival; to save the souls of those who are determined to destroy the very constitution of which He inspired our Forefathers to write.  We will stand before God and give an account of  what we did to stand against the evil in our blessed United States of America!  Will He say “Well done thou good and faithful servant?  It is not too late – become a soldier for Christ and a defended of the American Constitution.


The Godly and Gallant George

It was a cold frigid wintry night.  The troops huddled near the flames of the campfire in an attempt to keep warm.  Their ill-clad bodies were almost numb from being frost-bitten.  The morale among the men was very low; were they fighting a losing cause? As the men glanced at the General they were drawn to the look of despair upon his face.  He was their inspiration, their fearless leader, but now, seemingly facing defeat his countenance had faltered.  What were they going to do?

As the flames continued to lick the frosty night air, some of the men thought of their families.  It was Christmas, meager dinners were being planned…………the War had been hard on many folk………… was used to support the needs of the Army, but even for them food was scarce.  So here they sat, hungry, cold, and many in ill health, determined to fight for the cause of Freedom.

The General was indeed in a state of despair.  His soldiers had not had a good meal for weeks.  With a broken countenance he watched his men huddled together near the fire.  Bloody footprints of his men without shoes could be seen in  the snow.  Half of his men were scheduled to be discharged at the years end.   Within his mind there were no answers, yet his heart was afire with the need of persevering.  To retreat would be a disaster, all that they had fought so determinedly would be lost.  No, they just could not go back, they must press onward!  But how?  Knowing that he did George_Washington valley forgenot have the answer to that question the General took his request to the One who could give him direction, so he poured his heart out to his Heavenly Father.

In the stillness of the wintry night one could hear the drunken revery of the enemy encamped across the river.  Although the Hessian’s were known for their abuse of alcohol, the minds of the General’s men was focused on the food, clothing and warmth that the enemy enjoyed.  It just did not seem fair, but then life is not often fair.  The men were suddenly taken aback by the presence of their Leader.  He seemed to have a glitter in his eyes, his countenance was that of hope, the tone of his voice was that of encouragement.  “Men, God Almighty has given me a plan”

washington-delaware-lThe trip to  the river was arduous to say the least.  It was Christmas Day, and two of his men had gone on to their Maker.  As they crossed the Delaware the shore-line came into view in the early morning hour and they could see the camp of their enemy.  The scent of fire-burning wood was as the scent of expensive cologne.  The enemy was still asleep after a hard night of partying,  unsuspecting that a surprise attack was at their doorstep.  Because of the snow, blustery winds and freezing rain, the British did not send out their pre-dawn patrol.  God was so good!

Colonel Rall had sensing that an attack from the Continental army was possible had asked for more troops but was denied.  Apparently the British considered the American Army to be in such a disarray that an attack upon their troops was unlikely.  In addition, Colonels Rall’s officers strongly insisted that walls and fortresses be built, but he ignored the suggestion to construct fortifications.   Bad move!  Once again, the providence of God!

The rest is history as the saying goes.  The Hessian and British troops did not even have time to get dressed when the streets-trentonsurprise attack came upon them.  General Washington ended up with about 5 wounded men, two dead from freezing.  Colonel Rall was fatally wounded as well as over 80 of his men; and 22 wounded.  Because of this Christmas Day victory of General Washington, the morale of the American people was heightened and many more men enlisted in the cause for freedom.  It was God that worked in George’s heart, both to will and to do of His own surrender-l  Gen Rallgood pleasure.

Sadly, Secular historians omit the divine interventions in the founding of this great Nation.  It is now our responsibility to teach our children and grandchildren the truth.   The Lord worked through people like George Washington to establish this Country as One Nation under God.

The Murder of Chris Kyle

Now I am not a quick minded individual to say the least, however it was not difficult for me to determine that the news release on the murder of Sniper Chris Kyle did not just set well.

04author_2-articleLarge  Chris Kyle  Perhaps I have watched to many NCIS  stories in the past and my perception of snipers is somewhat skewed.  But, wait, this Navy Seal, he wrote a book of being a sniper.  He is hailed as the greatest sniper in the history of America.    So how can a seasoned Seal sniper be taken in by a seemingly harmless guy, Eddie Ray Routh, a Marine Veteran,  whom he is trying to help?  Does this sound a little like a tilted tale from the White House?

Being a sniper means that you have been under a vigorous training that has prepared you for any surprise attack.  One is taught to have heightened alertness and perception in knowing their enemy.  They more than likely developed a sixth sense in sizing up those around them.  Trained in the art of body language and facial expression, this man would have known that there was a change in Eddie Ray’s countenance.  Kyle’s training would have enable him to overpower his assassin single-handed.  But wait, he was not alone…………………….

His friend Chad Littlefield had accompanied Kyle and Eddie to the shooting range.  Littlefield himself was a seasoned  veteran.  Are your suspicions beginning to mount?  One of the ‘good’  guys should have been able to take care of Eddie!

Now according to what has been published by the Obama controlled media, Eddie was suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his combat experience, yet his honorable discharge states that he is eligible to re-enlistment,  He was even a current member of the Marine Reserves………………If the Marine Corps did not think he was psychologically unstable then why is the media portraying him as such.

We may never be privy to the truth in this matter, but I would encourage you to purchase Chris Kyle’s book ” American Sniper” , I am certain his widow can use the financial support.       And as always, thank a Vet for serving and Support our Troops!

The Case of Sergeant Corrigan –

matt_pink2-sm  corriganThe Case of Sergeant Corrigan – He’s not David Gregory.

Blatant violation of our 2nd Amendment rights are on the attack in America.  No one will be exempt as the Muslim Brotherhood works with the sitting President to subdue the Citizens of the United States.    What was that motto:   Give me Liberty or give me Death!   Are we willing to die for our God given freedom?

The Forgotten Right: John Locke and The Right of Resistance

lockeThe Forgotten Right: John Locke and The Right of Resistance.

We are blessed with the most amazing document ever compiled in the governing of any people.  Many American’s, including myself have not studied the Constitution in and of itself. let alone how it came to be.  Surprisingly, great men from the very Nation of which we fought fir independence were most influential in the philosophy and wording behind not only content of the Constitution itself but also the Bill of Rights.  John Locke was one of those men and I encourage you to read this article, and others which relate to his tremendous influence on our Founding Fathers in the compilation of this document

The Inalienable Rights of “Bill”

Not many saw it coming, it happened overnight.  The freedoms that we had are no longer considered our inalienable Right!  Our Fbill_of_rights_deadounding Fathers drafted this most  cherished formidable Bill,  that liberty would always be the way of our life,  for folks like Jack and Jill.
This is still my Country, the Land that I love.  I have served in her Military, marched in her parades, and sang her National Anthem with chills of pride radiating throughout my soul.  I can honestly state that I would not want to live anywhere else,  well, maybe Israel!

It saddens my heart with a deep sense of remorse when I consider the way that the leadership of our great nation is destroying all of most treasured and valued freedoms.  We are currently in a battle to preserve our Second amendment right to bear arms.  The sinister underlying reason for eliminating this right is to be able to easily control those Americans who are staunchly adamant about not allowing the government to control the Citizenry in the style of Hitler and Stalin.  The Muslim leadership of our Nation is fervently determined to accomplish just this and to establish Hussein Obama as the Grand Imam or Ayatollah or Maraji of the United States, or whatever Muslim leaders our called.

Looking back it is easy to understand where all of this began.  We allowed the Bible and prayer to be removed from the classrooms; we sat idly by and watch the education of our young be watered down by eliminating significant historical facts and truths about this great nation.   High School term papers are no longer required on  heroes like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln instead our children are assigned to reasearch the lives of folk like Marilyn Monroe and Jane Fonda.    The Hollywood cult made immorality universally accepted in the 60’s, thus destroying the sanctity of marriage.  With the advent of the women libbers, the role of the man in the home was diluted and many  of the male populace became proverbial panty wastes, being content in not maintaining the leadership in the home, but instead cowering to their shrew of a wife.   The rock culture and the acceptance of unwed mothers as a norm have swelled the welfare roles to such and extent that several states have more freeloaders on the government take than they do honest hard working men and women.   Folk, this falling away from our historical values is what brough us to where we are today.

An uneducated, lazy and unarmed society is easy to subdue and control.  After the 2012 election, it was settled within my heart that God was preparing us for the end times as set forth in scripture.  All of these events need to happen before Jesus Christ returns for the Church.  The Bible states that men will become lovers of themselves, given over to immorality and sodomistic life styles.  The well noted quote “As in the days of Noah” is being fulfilled today within our Nation.  God has had no choice but to remove his blessing from us because, in addition to being a Sodom and Gomorrah Nation, we have become a genocidal maniac in killing our unborn.  Mark my word, euthanasia of our elderly, handicapped and mentally challenged is on the horizon.  Before you develop a sense of comfort thinking that you do no fit into any of these categories, let me encourage you to look up the liberal definition of mentally challenged.   FEMA camps are already being built to house those people who have militant Biblical convictions and beliefs, because they are classified as being incompetent and loony and are a threat to the advancement of progressivism in this country.  Fema soldiers are being trained to assist the government in searching out these Patriotic Christian rebels and censor them, one way or another.  This is not a Militia of the United States per se, but a Gestapo of the Obama regime.

Once we lose our Second amendment rights, then we might as well accept the fact that our freedom of speech will come under heavy attack.   Pastors are already being harassed for being ‘political’ from the pulpit, for preaching against ‘alternate’ lifestyles.  Christians schools are being shut down because they will not hire homosexuals as teachers.  The Boy Scouts of America are being sorely pressured to accept sodomites into their organization; the Girls Scouts already bit the dust…………… more Girl Scouts Cookies for me!  Newspapers will probably face heavy fines for printing Scriptural based letters to the Editor.   Witnessing and passing out Gospel literature will become a punishable crime, ergo, the furtherance of persecuting Blood Bought, born-again Christians.  The list of illustrations can go on and on.  The bottom line is that when we see all of these things happen we need to look up for our redemption draweth nigh.   Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!