
A Voter in the Presence of God

When you stand  before God at the Judgment seat, what will He say about your participation in this most important election of 2012?  Will He say “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”  or will He rebuke you by saying “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” ” You had the opportunity as my child to vote the evil out of your government!  With your vote and the votes of several millions of my people it could have been accomplished.  Did you think that you did not count.   O’ foolish man, thou art found wanting!”…………….Your choice!

Onward! Christian Soldiers!

The fight is definitely on, and we are armed with the Sword of the Lord and the power of the Living God.  Let us vow to use the weapon of our ballot to stem the tide of evil in our great Land.  Now is the time, we have been complacent much too long.  Rise up and defend your God given right, as stated in the Constitution, to Liberty , life and Loyalty to the fundamentals of the Christian Faith.  This election is not about principalities and powers in high places, it is about God’s people being obedient to the Scriptures and prayerfully battling to return to the Biblical concepts incorporated by our Forefathers into the Constitution of the United States of America!

America’s Receding Values

Recently I had the blessing of hearing a message by Evangelist Byron Foss entitled “Why has God Blessed America”  The truths brought out in his message were timely as well as disheartening.  This article is representative of the jist of his sermon, but approached in a different manner so as to emphasize the need of our Blessed America to heed to 2 Chronicles 7:14

America  has sinned against God in…………..

The dignity of Human life:     Our Founding Fathers were all pro-life!  They believed what the Scriptures stated in Psalms 71:6 and 139:13 that life began at conception.  In the infamous year of 1973, Our Nation made it legal for mother’s to kill their unborn babies.  Since then over 59 million babies have been murdered prior to birth.  Hitler in his atrocious Holocaust is estimated at slaying 6 million Jews.   In comparison, we are not only more wicked, but also much more apathetic because at least Hitler considered his victims to be human.  Currently, in my state there is a concentrated effort to bring before the State Senate the HeartBeat bill which would essentially make it not only unlawful to commit abortions, but also judicially punishable.  It is understood that if my state is successful in this Christ honoring endeavor, that many other states will follow suit.

In addition, under the “Obama Care” provisions, those Americans who are deemed too old or infirmed, either physically or mentally will be denied health care benefits.  The practice of euthanasia is hidden between the lines of the script of the Obamacare.   Woe unto the elderly in our nation who are deemed, non functional.  Are you aware that the liberal shrinks in our nation consider Christians to be fanatically insane?   Will we be forced to succumb to mind altering medications or imprisonment in state run institutions for the mentally insane?

Biblical Blueprint for marriage:         It is recorded in the infallible Word of God, that the institution of marriage was established in the Garden of Eden between a man and a woman.  This perverted generation is fervently forcing upon us a sinful ‘alternate’ life style which is an abomination to God.   There was a day when this blatant sin was kept in the closet because of the societal disgrace.  Not so any more.  The practice of homosexuality has been endorsed by the immoral Hollywood crowd as well as businesses like Jc Penny’s.  and has even been embraced by top liberal government officials.  Sin is sin!  Man cannot make it a non-sin issue.

Common decency:     The Lord initiated the concept of modesty when he made Adam and Eve clothing from skins.  Today we have lost all concept of modesty, which has enhanced the  obsession with immorality.  We are instructed in scripture to wear modest apparel, as instructed in 1 Timothy 2:9.   We are to dress with clothes which becometh women professing godliness, with good works.

Work Ethic:   In our Nation we have seen the evolution of a generation of wimpy men who either refuse to work or are content on letting their wife,  their parents or the government support them.   These folk who allow their grown sons to mooch and not seek gainful employment are enabling their offspring to be no more than worthless bums.   God states that in the sweat of thy brow shall men eek out a living and if a man does not work, then he should not eat.  In recent years our government has made it easy for men to shirk their responsibility in providing for their family.

Rejection of Abrahamic covenant:      Historically we  have stood with Israel, and according to my understanding of prophecy we will continue to do so until the end. God says in his Word, to his people that  “I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee”    The Conservative Patriots in our country were shocked during the recent Democratic Convention whereby we actually witnessed liberal worshippers of government not only boo God.  but, they also had to reinstate into their platform that Jerusalem would remain the capital of Israel.  How the Heavenly Father must have shuddered at the sight of this mockery of our Godly heritage.  Romans chapter 11 give a good overview of God’s dealing with his beloved Israel.  Our Nation has been and needs to be continually blessed by God in befriending and defending Israel.

God centered Education:   For over 150 years, the Word of God has been an integral part of our education system.   Deuteronomy 6 states that we are to  teach Gods principles and precepts diligently to our children.   Abe Lincoln did not have a formal education , however the Ten Commandments were read to him by his mother on a frequent basis.  She died when he was 9. but God’s word remained with him throughout his life and was incorporated within his presidency.  In 1973, the Christians in American sat by and allowed the liberals to initiate the removal of God from our educational system.    How sad, indeed!

Divine Institutions   The Home, the Church and the Government are institutions established by God.  Satan has successfully attacked each of these groups to destroy the very foundation upon which they are created.  Homes have been shattered by divorce, the infiltration of homosexual ‘rights’, and by men and women who refuse to carry out God’s instructions for a Godly home.  Our churches have succumbed to the numbers game and have watered down and altered the Bible to be socially acceptable.  Judeo-Christian values are being hammered out of our government by men who are intent on promoting a socialistic agenda.

No other generation has had the privilege of seeing so much Bible Prophecy fulfilled.  The coming of the Lord most assuredly must be near.  God has commanded us to ‘occupy’ until He comes.  As we pray for God’s mercy upon our Nation let us remember 2 Chronicles 7:14,  ask the Lord to forgive us for our sins as a Nation  and seek to turn from our wicked ways by electing men and women who will honor God’s Word.

Christians in the Military

During the devil-lution of the infamous “60’s” our commander-in- chief’s failed to rally Americans in the fight against wicked atrocities that were taking place in Vietnam.  Many young men chose to avoid their patriotic duty of military service by fleeing to Canada under the guise of conscientious objectors.  Even at the wars end, the liberal media launched a vindictive and demoralizing attack upon our returning troops who willingly served to protect the advance of evil in our world.   Many fathers of those same men served courageously in WWII and defeated one of the most wicked tyrants of our history.  Yet, somewhere in their distorted upbringing the vision of being a patriot was lost.  Today, we are facing perilous times once again.  Young men are being called upon to defend our country even though the current Commander-in- chief is dogmatic about tearing down the very foundation of our great Nation.  Our blessed America was founded upon the principles and precepts in the Word of God.  Let’s take a journey into the Scriptures and see what the Lord has to say about stemming the tide of evil.

There are those who are of the frame of mind, that by militarily fighting against the wicked rulers of this world that this task should be left up to God.  Their prevailing thought is that we should “Love one another” into peace and harmony.  Well, this is an admirable thought, however there are times when tough love is needed.  Within the pages of the Old Testament we are introduced to many armed conflicts in which the children of Israel under the direction of Jehovah, were victorious in defeating the armies of the enemies of God.  Sometimes, God allowed Israel to be defeated by the enemy as a measure of punishment to get their attention and being them back to him.  The conquests of King David, a man after God’s own heart;  an outstanding military leader, gives us historical accounts of the military conflicts fought in the battles against the enemies of Jehovah.  Among the many kings of Israel and Judah we also find honorable judges like Deborah who led the Israelites in a victorious battle against the Canaanites.  Since all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, and instruction in righteousness, we can accept the example that God does not want us to sit idly by while wicked rulers spew destruction and chaos in the world.  WWII was a prime example when the Lord used our great Nation to defeat Hitler the satanic executioner of God’s chosen people.  Being one nation under God we are endued with a divine responsibility to fight for the cause of Christ.

In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 God lists that there is a season for everything.  Among those listed includes in verse 8 is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of War and a time of peace.  In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke it is written that ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars; for nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and these are the beginning of sorows………… ye not troubled:  for such things must needs be.  It would stand to reason that if the Lord informed us about these prophetic conflicts, that he expected his people to march forward as soldiers of the Cross and fight the enemies of God.  In 1775, Pastor John Muhlenberg concluded a sermon:  “in the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things.  There is a time to preach and a time to fight.  And now is the time to fight.”  He threw off his clerical robes to reveal the uniform of a Revolutionary Army officer and lead three hundred men to  join General Washington’s troop.

The annuls of the history of our great nation record the many Godly men who in the cause of Christ fought against the wickedness in high places.  General George Washington sought the Heavenly Father’s wisdom on numerous occasions during the Revolutionary war.  Abraham Lincoln was guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit as he led the battle to defeat the practice of slavery.  Ronald Reagan thought it necessary to seek wisdom from on high when Lybia attacked and killed American citizens.  General Douglas MacArthur is quoted as saying that the soldier, above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act of religious training – sacrifice.  In battle and in the face of danger and death, he discloses those divine attributes which his Maker gave him when he created man in his own image.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote that there comes a time in the affairs of men when they must prepare to defend, not only their homes alone, but the tenets of faith and humanity on which their churches, their families, their governments and their very civilization are founded.  The defence of religion among nations is all the same fight.  In the writings of Calvin Coolidge, we read that the welfare of America, the cause of civilization will forever require the contribution, of some part of the life, of ll our citizens, to the natural, the necessary, and the inevitable demand for the defense of the right and the truth.

Let’s remember the second stanza of the  Battle Hymn of the Republic

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:     “As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;     Let the hero born of woman, crush the sepent with His heel,  Since God is marching on.      March on O Christian Soldier!

Political from the Pulpit

A couple generations back we find that the Bible was one of the principle books used in the classrooms of America.  For over 150 years, the Word was an integral part of our educational curriculum.   As worldliness and humanistic practices invaded our culture the teaching institution turned to secular texts to educate young Americans, often leaving out the more important teachings not only from the Scriptures, but also our precious  Christian heritage. Today, we are cursed with a learning institution that not only avoids scripture references but also eliminates God in all areas of instruction.  How sad.  If the parents of children do not take the initiative of teaching their young the religious foundation upon which our Nation was founded then this knowledge will soon pass away.  Fortunately, those who home school their young have the opportunity to provide their children with truthful, scripturally sound curriculum that fosters a wholesome understanding of the Christian Heritage from whence we came.  In addition, there seems to be an awakening from the pulpits of America to instruct the people in not only their Godly heritage, but also in their God given right and responsibility to become informed, involved and influential in the affairs of government.

Separating the State from the Church is scriptural, but separating the Church from the State is not.  History records Pastoral initiative in educating their flock in the affairs of Government.  This was in direct obedience to the Word of God which indicates that the Lord will bless those Nations which follow his commandments.   What better place to learn about the truth in matters of civil government than from the pulpit of a God-fearing, Bible preaching man of God.   Far too long have the Christians of this Nation hidden their heads in the sands of irresponsibility and have not hearkened to the need to become involved in stemming the tide of evil within our government.  We now face in our Nation an ungodly administration that is bent on replacing God with Allah.  Folks, this ought not to be!.

God had given our founding fathers a blueprint for establishing our three branches of government in Isaiah 33:22.  He is also instrumental for raising up men of leadership in government as noted in Proverbs 8: 15,16.  Believer it or not, one of the functions of government as established by God was to punish evil doers. 1Peter 2:14.  In the previous verses we are admonished to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake.  Granted, there are legitimate causes in which a Christian should honor God in being disobedient to government laws.  We know of Daniel who refused to refrain from praying to the Lord as was his practice.  Daniel 6;  The Apostle Paul was frequently thrown into prison for preaching the Gospel.   Martin Luther refused to recant his faith in God.

One of the ministries of my Church is “Constitutional Awareness for Christians”  Our assistant Pastor monitors what is going on in the State and Federal Government of which God’s people need to be aware.  We are given addresses, emails and phone numbers to contact our government officials regarding pertinent issues of  Biblical concern.  Christians need to be proactive in giving their input into these matters.    As members of the flock we are encouraged to pray for these issues as well as for the salvation of those who represent us in government without knowing Jesus Christs as their saviour.  For those we have in positions of authority in our nation who do know Christ as their saviour, we pray that their influence for righteousness will result in stemming the forces of evil that want to destroy our Nation.

There are other organizations founded by Christian men across America which are beginning to have a positive influence on matters of government   Awake America by Dr. Chuck Harding has been reaching out to National Political leaders in Washington, DC.  Another group is in the process of having Bibles printed and presented to the Senators and Representatives who are elected to represent the people of America .

I am saddened that there are Preachers in America’s pulpits today who refrain from educating their flock in the matters of government.  It would seem to me that this may be one of the reasons that we find ourselves in the mess we are experiencing today.  What is most God honoring is that the Under Sheppard of a fellowship of believers would exercise his God given responsibility to inform his people of the need to not only vote, but to become actively involved in the entre political process.

Pastors should diligently encourage members of their flock to vote.  With the access to absentee ballots and agencies who will transport shut-ins to voting precincts,  one is literally without excuse to exercise their constitutional right to vote.  Speaking of voting, in my humble opinion there are certain issues of which I believe one should always vote “NO” Among these issues are any tax increases; changes in our Constitution that take away our rights and freedom, thus giving the government more power over our personal lives, and any issue that is contrary to Scripture.

Men of God who are called to preach His word should also encourage Christians to become active in campaigning for those candidates who exemplify by conduct that they believe in Scriptural values.  The teens in their ministry should be encouraged to seek God’s will as to whether He would call them into the ministry of Political office holder.  Would you believe that one of our former Presidents was an ordained minister of God’s Word?   Our Government needs to be purged of liberal, God hating self serving politicians who do not faithfully represent the majority of the American people.  There is an urgent need to replace these socialistic heretics with God-fearing men and women.

Finally, but alas most importantly we need to be admonished by our Pastors to pray for our government officials.  We need to implore the gates of heaven for God to either change the hearts of those who are antagonistic toward Christians, or get rid of them. The God-fearing men whom God has raised up to serve in government need us to pray that they will have wisdom and discernment as they fulfill their role as a servant of the people of this Nation.rnment in Isaiah 33:22.   Revive us again, O Lord!

Separation of Church and State – NOT!

Such a futile effort on the part of man to separate the church from the state when it is God who established government.   Exodus, Chapter 18

Much has been written in recent years to dispel the fact that the United States of America was founded upon the principles of  Judeo-Christianity.  God established government and therefore has the Divine right to be included in all political decisions.  The Constitution is proof that our Forefathers knew the Scriptures and incorporated God’s Word into this divinely inspired Document.  Within its framework these godly leaders had the wisdom to ensure that men would have freedom in worship and that no one specific group would be elevated to the position of Church of the State.   Whereas the Government could not establish a State Church, or regulate matters of religion, the testimonies and memoirs of these men however, make it clear and without a doubt, that they believed that the Living God, the Heavenly Father, should be consulted in matters of government.

Beginning with the “Father of our Country”, George Washington, the initial Commander-in-Chief of this great Nation was not inhibited, nor limited in expressing his dependency upon God.  In an address to the combined Senate and House of Representatives, Washington challenged them to unite in imploring the Supreme Ruler of nations to spread His holy protection over these United States: to turn the mechanisms of the wicked, to the confirming of our constitution:  to enable us at all times to root out internal sedition…………..,that we may then unite in humble prayer to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national sins and other transgressions, to render our national government a blessing to all the People, by constantly being a government of wise, just and constitutional laws.  In a Thanksgiving day address in 1789 Washington declared  that it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and to obey his will.

In 1775, Pastor John Muhlenberg concluded his sermon:  ” in the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things:  There is a time to preach and a time to fight.  And now is the time to fight.”  He then threw off his clerical robe to reveal the uniform of a Revolutionary Army Officer.  That afternoon, he led three hundred men to join General Washington’s troops.  Preacher’s turned the colonial resistance into a righteous cause not only from the pulpit, but also in the state legislatures and on the battlefield.

Many hours were spent in prayer during the writing of our Constitution.  Patrick Henry, one of early America’s outspoken Revolutionary leaders, predicted that whether or not the newly formed United States would prove a ‘blessing or a curse will depend upon the use our people made of the blessings which a gracious God hath bestowed upon us.  It is documented that 34% of the quoted comments of our founding fathers came directly from the Bible.  Thomas Jefferson stated that the first amendment has created a wall of separation between the church and the state.  But that wall is one directional.  It is to keep the government from running the church, but it is not to keep the Christian principles out of the government.

Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan acknowledged their faith in their Creator and sought divine wisdom in matters of National interest.  In our early history, actual church services were held in the Capitol building  with up to a thousand people attending.  It was not unusual for several denominations to hold services in the Nations Capitol building on any given Sunday. Sadly, in more recent years we have seen a strikingly intense falling away from Godly leadership at the helm of our government.  It is true that the Lord raises up one leader and brings another down.  It is also a painful realization that our God has no choice but to bring judgment upon America for its National sins ;  abortion, homosexuality, immortality.  We have left our first love and God is jealous!

In the Book of 2 Chronicles we read how a succession of righteous leaders in Judah led to reforms that brought the people back to tur faith in God.  By Divine intervention this could happen to us.  Unfortunately we have a troubling situation facing our nation in that both men running for the prestigious post of President of this great Nation, are unlearned in the ways of the Lord and follow other gods.  How is it that this Nation of which forty-three states acknowledge God in their preamble, and of which the remaining seven States acknowledge God in their religious freedom provisions, would sit back and submit to a Civil Government which demands allegiance above the Lord Jesus Christ, even to the point of forbidding His name to be spoken?

Oh Lord, where are your Pastors who like John Muhlenberg, accept their responsibility to teach their flock about the corruption in our government and to inspire them to become politically active in overcoming these evils, for your glory and honor?   Where are our Patriots with military uniforms beneath their Sunday-go-to-meeting- clothes?   Have we no pride in our Godly heritage?  Are we so backslidden that we would allow a pagan religion to rule in our government.  Dear Heavenly Father, have mercy upon us!

Honoring ‘Old Glory’

A lifetime friend recently posted an article on face book that bears reading by those of us who love this country and respect the flag that is representative of the sacrifice and bravery of the men and women who over the years have given their all to the preservation of our freedom.  Feel free to place  yourself in his shoes as he reminisces about his love for his country and the flag which represents the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

     I like driving through town on special holidays and see all of the U. S. Flags hanging in front of nearly every house; the streets are lined with those ‘pieces of cloth’ that bear the red, white, and blue.  It really gives me the feeling that all is well with the country and that every citizen is a patriot.  Well, not really, the sight of those non-running colors that represent my country and the true American people, who have collectively protected her, does make me huff with pride, but it also makes me wonder why it is that these ‘just pieces of cloth’ are only displayed on special holidays.  What is it about the “proud” Americans that makes them so selective of when and where the colors of our great country should be displayed?  Is not being an American everyday just a thrilling and as important as the elusive “special day?”  Are true Americans so intimidated by the possibility of offending non-Americans that they choose to hide who they are and what the believe in?  Are they so afraid they choose to hide that grand old flag because of what it stands for?  It may be a piece of colored cloth, it may represent the probability of defeat to our enemies, and to some it may represent aggression and war.  Most of all, the old girl represents the greatest country ever, the resolve of the honest and proud true Americans.  Shouldn’t she deserve the right to be displayed everyday and command the respect of the very people she has represented for over 235 years?  Shouldn’t she be displayed 24/7/365?   Mine is!

David K. Straub, 1st Sgt, USMC, Ret.   Vietnam Veteran

I am a free American.  I will not bow to, nor pledge allegiance to any man.  I will fight to the death to preserve the freedom of my country and my fellow Americans; and I will do so by any and all means available to me   DKS

Battle for America

Under a new federal law. all retired honorably discharged veterans and soldiers in civilian uniforms are permitted to salute the flag when the Star Spangled Banner is being played.  Some do not understand the pride that swells up inside a veteran when the National Anthem is being played.  It used to be true with the singing of our tribute to this great land.

Men and women wore the uniform of our country with pride.  They did not fight and lose their friends on the  battlefield for the Socialist States of America but for the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  Many different uniforms were worn, but they carried the same beautiful flag. They knew the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America, and America the Beautiful. and even now one may see the glistening of tears running down the weathered cheeks of veterans as they sing these heart warming songs.

Many of these folk are Baby Boomers and older, getting ready to retire.  They move a little slower these days, their eyes are dimmer and the hearing is somewhat impaired. They have lived what many will only read about in history books.    With their combined efforts they won WWII, fought in Korea, and Viet Nam  They have worked hard, reared their children, worshipped God and have grown old together.  These folks may be old, and slow, but they still have that same fervent determination to fight for their beloved America.  They love this Country, they fought for it; some died for it, and now those who remain are going to do all that is within their power to save it from tyrannical destruction.  As soldiers these patriots took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  That oath is a part of their life and it is one that cannot be compromised.    They are no longer going to remain silent about those who want to destroy this beloved land of the Free, Home os the Brave.

Now, it is a well know fact that foolishness dwells within the heart of the young.  This was more than evident during the last election when foolishness turned into stupidity.   The young people of this nation fell for the ‘Hope and Change’ which in reality was nothing but ‘Hype and Lies’.  Now that you have tasted socialism it has left a sour taste within your mouth.  Many of you who fell for the “great lie” in 2008 are now having buyers remorse and are paying the price of your ignorance.  We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for higher taxes and less freedom.

This land does not belong to the man in the White House or his sidekicks.  It belongs to “We the People”,  and we plan to reclaim our land and our freedom!    The Boomer Brigade is on the march.  We are going to the polls in 2012 by the millions.  We may drive a little slower, but we will get the job done.

The next time you say the Pledge of Allegiance, hone in on the” One Nation Under God.”  There you have it, the foundation of our great land.  God!.  You just might want to thank him for the opportunity to make a wrong right, by joining us in booting the buzzard out of the White House!